World Organisation of Former Students of Catholic Education (OMAEC) elnökének kiáltványa a nicaraguai fejlemények kapcsán
Alábbiakban angol fordításban közöljük Alfonso Giraldo Saavedra, az OMAEC elnökének kiáltványát, amelyet a nicaraguai fejlemények kapcsán küldött meg számunkra. Mint ismeretes Nicaraguában nagyon súlyos a Katolikus Egyház helyzete számos püspököt és papot letartóztattak, az ország elhagyására kényszerítettek, a Mária Rádiót betiltották, a Szentszéki Nunciatúrát bezáratták.
Declaration of the President of OMAEC
The World Organisation of Former Students of Catholic Education – OMAEC, denounces and rejects the permanent abuse of which the Nicaraguan people are victims; the disregard of their democracy, the constant violation of their human rights, among which the legitimate right to freedom of worship stands out. The Nicaraguan Catholics are intimidated and assaulted when they see their priests illegally captured and expelled from their own country or condemned to long sentences for the sole crime of preaching the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
OMAEC stands in solidarity with Nicaragua and deeply regrets that its democratic system is being violated, that life, liberty and other fundamental rights are being systematically disregarded.
We make our own the pain and anguish of so many former students of Catholic education, expelled from their homeland and of those who have been victims of illegal detentions and arbitrary mistreatment.
We ask in the name of the Lord Jesus, who for the truth was condemned to death and death on a cross, that persecution of his church and his people may cease, and that bridges of understanding, reconciliation and peace may be built.
On 15 August 2024, feast of the Assumption of Mary, whom we ask to intercede for this troubled world.
Alfonso Giraldo Saavedra